Monday, May 20, 2013

My latest song called, "There's So Much to Please.:

My latest song called, "There's So Much to Please.:  Here are the lyrics:
(This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or original content created by Amalia Zents ©Amalia Zents 2013)

There’s So Much to Please,” by Amy Zents


“Don’t like the way the sky looks?
But it wouldn’t be so green,
without the clouds .
We need the water falling to make it pure
We need the trees and the flowers
The birds and bees.
We need the wind and the grass;
It makes the view;
Even the sky blue.
And when the day rolls by
We can see the gardens,
As they thrive in the shade and sun
We can picnic on the lawn
We can climb a hill, cross a bridge
or take a swim.
No need to hurry, no need to be in a
Just watch the water gush into the lake
Get some exercise.
Look at the rocks and water,
The river flowing, always going..
Beauty is on and off the path
Beauty is in our present and past
The dark clouds and the white
The day turns into night.
When you feel overwhelmed
Imagine the majesty of the rainbow
And find shelter on a path to escape,
Take a walk beneath the trees
Contemplate the leaves
Think of horses, feel the breeze
There’s so much to please.”

Creative Commons License

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